Monday, 23 March 2015

Remembering Lee Kuan Yew

Emma & Julia, 

Today, we have lost a great man. 

Today, the blue blooms on my skirt and my pink shoes don't make me smile on the inside and outside. 

Today, the rare occasion of having a sugar-laden prata breakfast doesn't make this morning good. 

One day, you both will know about this man and what he has done for us. In all possible ways, he has outdone many of us. He did what every student should do, learn and excel academically. He met the love of his life and married her, before graduating university together. They stuck together, through thick and thin, and later had three children. When his wife fell ill, he encouraged her to swim daily in a bid for her to nurse her health. He sacrificed time with his children to a cause dedicated his life to; building a safe home for us. 

Hopefully one day, you both will meet a man as great as him and work together for better tomorrows.

'For reasons of sentiment, I would like part of my ashes to be mixed up with Mama's, and both her ashes and mine put side by side in the columbarium. We were joined in life and I would like our ashes to be joined after this life.'

your mommy. 

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